Sweet Dissonance
Hello, my name is Lorraine Williams and I’m a writer. Not trying to humble brag, but I’ve been writing a long time! At least I’ve been putting pen to paper, and expressing myself through writing. I’ve been published a few times, but my writing journey is always on going. To that end, I wanted to share what I’ve learned, and give others the chance to learn from other people. So, think of this as not only my author page, but a place to house all of the writing advice and writing exercises that have helped me along the way.
I love to write. There aren’t any real qualifies for that statement. I love writing in all forms. I write a lot of fantasy, horror, and maybe a smattering of sci-fi. I love monsters and mythological creatures of all types, and they appear in my work pretty often. I also love to read. If you could see my personal library you would see that it is filled with different types of books from all over the world and about numerous topics. I feel that to be a great writer you need to be a great reader. To this end, I’ll also be recommending books on my site.
This is all to say that this will not be a static site. It will be an ongoing page that tries to tame the flow of writing and information that constantly plays in my head. In essence a way to bring order to the cacophony in my head, so that I can create a symphony of my own.
My personal creative writing work has previously appeared in magazines like “Gothic Fairy Tales for Melancholy Children” and “Mirror Dance”, “Horror and History, Oh My!” and “Horror USA Texas: An Anthology of Horror From the Lone Star State” .
Contact Me!
- lorrainewilliams@writerscrush.com
- @WritersCrush